It is my joy to convey our hearty Christmas Greetings to our all advisors, mentors, sponsors, teachers, pastors, Evangelists, Doctors, Nurses and co-workers who are contributing their valuable time, talents, resources for building the Kingdom of God in this part of His world. I believe the Living God our Father “who sees what is done […]
It is my joy to write this Independence Day Newsletter about our CMA activities. I thank God that He has protected me and delivered me from all kinds of sickness and difficulties. We are proud that our country gained independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, through the non-violent movement led by Mahatma Gandhi, […]
By the providence of God and guidance we could pass 2023 and enter 2024 and completed 37th Anniversary of our Christ Mission Ashram & Kolkata Love Presbyterian Church. We are thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has protected us from this deadliest Covid19 and not single believers from our church and extended […]
Dear Partners in the Gospel, It is my joy to convey our hearty Christmas Greetings to our all advisors, mentors, sponsors, teachers, pastors, Evangelists, Nurses and co-workers who are contributing their valuable time for building the Kingdom of God in this part of His world. I believe the Living God our Father “who sees what […]
It is my joy to write this Independence Day News Letter of our CMA activities. Thanks God that this year my whole family and I could meet together in our house and were able to go to Andaman Island for three night and four days in this month of August from 2nd till 5th ,2023. […]
This year our local government allowed us to take Palm Sunday Procession on 2nd April 2023 to surrounding our Church with Palm leaves in our hands (Matthew 21: 23, Rev.7:9-10). Palm leaves symbolise with Christian flag Also, we had our passion week worship from Monday to Thursday evening at 7 P.M. and Good Friday worship […]
Joy to the world the Lord hath come, let earth receive her King! I am happy to convey our hearty Christmas Greetings to all our advisors, mentors, sponsors, teachers, doctors, pastors, Evangelists and co-workers in the midst of today’s un precedents pandemic known as Covid-19, Cyclone, Dengue in West Bengal, India. I am thankful to […]
By the providence of God and guidance we could pass 2021 and enter 2022 by overcoming Covid 19 wave three Omicron virus and completed 35th Anniversary of our Christ Mission Ashram & Kolkata Love Presbyterian Church. We are thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has protected us from this deadliest Covid19 and […]
It is my joy to write this Independence Day News Letter of our CMA activities. First of all, I would like to give thanks to my living Lord that I was born in my country India. Thanks to Him for the freedom of India from British Raj in the year 1947, 15th August by the […]
God be the Glory that by His Providence and guidance we could pass 2020 in the midst of Pandemic, Amphan Storm and our countries economic bankrupts and able to write this Easter Newsletter. We are thankful to our Lord who has protected us from this deadly Covid-19. By His grace we could celebrate CMA & […]