Posted on April 10th, 2012

인도인으로 총신대학교와 대학원에서 신학공부를 마치고 고향에서 선교사역을 펼치고 있는 로수길(로이 수크리트) 선교사가 사역 25주년을 맞아 감사예배를 드렸다. 이번 감사예배는 3일간의 부흥회 및 인도개혁주의장로회신학교 졸업식과 함께 진행돼 의미가 더 깊었다. 로수길 목사 선교 25주년 감사예배와 같이 진행된 인도개혁주의장로회신학교 졸업식에서 참석자들이 기념촬영을 하고 있다.    ‘To God be the Glory!

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Posted on January 22nd, 2008

Source: The Liberty Champion by Stan Barringer Two campus pastors and 24 Liberty students experienced a holiday of dust, grime, intense heat, poverty and overcrowding in the busy streets of India. Pastor Johnnie Moore led a missions team to Kota, India, while Scott Ray and his wife, Rebekah, led a team to Calcutta. Light Ministries […]

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Posted on December 26th, 2006

Source: The Telegraph, Calcutta Christ Mission Ashram, in Kalikapur, demolished in January 2006 by the CMDA to make way for a key link between Prince Anwar Shah Road and the EM Bypass, has found a new address. “Following talks with municipal affairs minister Asok Bhattacharya, who is also chairman of the CMDA, we have purchased […]

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Posted on January 16th, 2006

Source: The Telegraph – Calcutta A church in south Calcutta was demolished on a court order on Sunday morning to make way for a key link to the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, a project undertaken a decade ago. Hundreds of members of the Protestant church in Kalikapur tried to resist the demolition and clashed with CMDA […]

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Source: by Nirmala Carvalho The Christ Mission Ashram has been torn down to allow road construction to the airport. “We have not been offered any alternative site for relocation. Where do we go from here?” church leader asks. Kolkata (AsiaNews) – The Christ Mission Ashram, a church in south Calcutta, was torn down yesterday […]

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Posted on December 7th, 2005

Source: The Telegraph Calcutta A church has come in the way of the state government’s plans to expand the Prince Anwar Shah Road-EM Bypass connector. The government had last week served a notice on the authorities of the Christ Mission Ashram, on Santoshpur Avenue, stating that the building would be razed. The church also houses […]

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