Posted on December 21st, 2017

Dear Partners in the Gospel,

Let me start by thanking our Living God for enabling Christ Mission Ashram (CMA) to grow by His grace from a small master seed to become a tree (Matthew 13:32). I am happy to inform you the activities and progress of our ministries for past one year. I am thankful to God and all of you for your continuous love, prayer support, partnership and support to serve 30 th years of service in India. Here below a glimpse of joy of our activities given below:

Kolkata Love Reformed Presbyterian Church

By the providence of God our church all services (Bengali, English, Hindi) our going well by the leadership of Rev.Sukrit Roy & Monjoy Narzanary. Also this year by the leadership of Lydia the Church Veranda & Toilet renovation work has been done. By the grace of God 3 rd 4 th Church Planting seminars (March & November) and a Revival meeting for three days (21-23 November) was conducted by Rev.Dr.Lee Jong Ho. Please pray that the church may grow in quality & quantity.

India Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (IRPTS)

God has put in our hearts a special burden to reach & equip the leaders to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Therefore the IRPT Seminary was started in 1988, and by God’s grace today more than 267 students had been graduated and serving in West Bengal, Odishi, Assam, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Bihar, Sikkim, Delhi, and Nepal. We are ever grateful to EVTA, CMAI, Asian Mission for their prayer and support and sending professors for equipping our students faithfully.
