Posted on December 25th, 2019

Dear Partners in the Gospel,

I would like to convey my hearty Christmas greetings to all of our mentors, advisors, sponsors, teachers, pastors and co-workers in His vineyards. I am thankful to God and all of you for your continuous love, prayer and support for carrying the task for 32 years faithfully in India with multiple blessings. We are delighted to inform you of our ministries and what the Lord has done throughout the year.

Kolkata Love Reformed Presbyterian Church

By the grace of God our church services (Bengali, English, Hindi) our going well by the leadership of Rev.Sukrit Roy & Monjoy Narzary. The 32nd Anniversary of KLRPC was held on 3rd March, 2019 joyfully. We are grateful to our Lord for providing US Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Cunville as a speaker for our Good Friday Worship Service. By the blessing of God on Easter Sunday, 21st April seven brothers and sisters were baptized and confirmed in the name of father, Son and Holy Ghost in the presence of many and an Easter Love Feast and Easter Quiz was held after the Love Feast.