Posted on May 13th, 2020

The whole world is under this CORONA pandemic; people are dying everyday. People are harassed and helpless, when Jesus saw this situation, He prayed to the father to send laborers (Matthew 9:36-37) as the Lord did same when He heard and looked at the misery of Israel (Exodus 2:23-25,3:7-10). He came down to rescue them and take them to the promised land, He gave responsibility to Moses.

Therefore Jesus Christ ultimately came down to this earth & died on the cross, buried & resurrected to rescue us from the bondage of sin (Death) and take us to the eternal Kingdom of God in heaven.

This year all believers celebrate this Easter in our respective houses. I personally thank God that every Easter Sunday my wife Sang Yee gives Easter Lily to the House of God. She always bought it from New market. But this year when I was getting ready for Easter Worship she brought Easter Lily in a flower vase to our house altar. Lily was grown in our house garden. God is good all the time.

